What is it about really late night that makes it such a lonesome time for people?
I always think that the quiet, the hum of the computer, the whisper of the air conditioner or the distant saw of snoring would be something far more comforting instead of hollowing.
Shawn Pence
7 months ago
My 'lonely' late at night sounds are made of the sounds of hot air spewing out of the vent behind me, occasional squeaky kitten meows, and on some nights? If I'm really lucky? The sounds of cat apocalypse or Cat Brawl '08 going on in the kitchen and living room as things get knocked over and jostled around.
Can't forget the incessant bark of the dogs either, when they see something. Such as their shadows. Gotta be sure to bark at those, let us know they're there.
I think it's actually more quiet here during the day. That's when the cats all sleep. But unless I'm sleeping too, the silence is unnerving and I usually have to have music disturb it. :/ Complete silence freaks me out.
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