It’s a routine visit to the veterinarian with your brand new purchased kitten, cat, or adopted kitten and cat. Things are looking pretty great! He or she has adjusted swimmingly to your house and home and already. The check up looks great! And then the Vet turns to you mid way and asks you, “Can I see Princess Floofums vaccine records, please?”
Vaccine records? You think in a mild panic. There are records for that? You look left and you look right as your mind reels—you don’t have Princess Floofums vaccine records! You stumble about attempting to find some excuse or reason, finally coming clean to your Vet. You reluctantly let your Vet know the truth and they smile patiently and help you figure out what Princess Floofums needs. You have to have Princess vaccinated once again, and spend a little more cash.
Now, your eyes are open however. Re-vaccination as well as a few extra bucks could have been saved if you'd had the records. It makes you wonder-what other records *should* you have had in the first place when you purchased Floofums, and what should you have held onto? What sort of vital papers must you keep and what sort isn’t needed? What are the important records to keep for your cat?
Read more about Important records to keep about your cat @ Helium
Shawn Pence
7 months ago
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